

Prince Albert High is a 11-18 co-educational, non-denominational school providing an exciting, highly motivating and challenging education. The school has the highest expectations of its pupils regardless of starting point or any perceived disadvantage. Our aim is to produce well rounded, confident and responsible young people who will make a positive contribution to our society.

Admissions 2024/2025

Prince Albert High School Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Any parents who wish to make an 'in-year application' (i.e. apply for a current Year 7 place) need to come to the school office and collect an application form. They will then be added to the waiting list.

Admissions 2025/2026

Prince Albert High School Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Applications open on 1 September 2024 for secondary school applications for entry in September 2025. The closing date is 31 October 2024 at 11:59pm.
All applications for PAHS should be made via Birmingham City Council.

Please see their website for more information:

Offers will be made on National Offer Day, 1st March 2025.

Admissions 2026/2027

Prince Albert High School Admissions Policy 2026-2027

Parents can apply for a place in the Autumn term of the year before their child is due to start secondary school.

Contact Us

Prince Albert High School
115 Holford Drive
Perry Barr
B42 2TU

By Phone: 0121 817 8952



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