Alongside our curriculum, we run a variety of enrichment sessions for our children. Our mission of ensuring our children go to and succeed at university or pathways hinges on them having the same opportunities as their fee-paying counterparts. We run a variety of enrichment sessions for our students giving them the chance to develop interests and passions that will give them enjoyment throughout their lives. Our children choose from activities ranging from debating and drama to football and singing in our school choir.
We are also strong believers in ‘giving back’ to our community; this is why we will include opportunities for students to collaborate with PACT primaries to develop ‘how we become a responsible citizen’ and encourage working with others e.g. residential; sporting fixtures; sports day; team building; and awards evening.
We also have:
- a named person leading Careers & University pathways .
- ensure that all of our children are provided with independent careers guidance.
- ensure that that there is an opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access all our children to inform them about approved technical education qualifications and/or apprenticeships.
- provide a minimum of three employer encounters per year, for every child.
- publish details of our careers programme for young people and their parents.

Please note:
- All enrichment activities run from 3.10pm – 4pm
- One consent form to attend after school enrichment must be completed.
- Forms are available from our school office.
- Unless notified by text or email enrichment activities on these scheduled days will run concurrently.