

Non-Uniform day on Thursday 07.10.2021

Dear parents/carers 

I am writing to inform you that on Thursday 7th October 2021 we are holding a non-uniform day at Prince Albert High School.  

There is no contribution of any money necessary, and we hope that all our students attend on the day. It is very important all our students attend each day every day, however especially on this day as we will be hosting a variety of extra-curricular activities throughout the day for student to take part in and to further develop positive relations with peers and staff.  

We encourage students to wear the clothes they feel safe and comfortable in, as there is no set guidance for what they can wear. However, their clothing must be appropriate to attend school in. Please see below items which will not be allowed due to specific reasons: 

  • No high heels as this can be a hazard and can cause injury
  • No jewellery as it is easily damaged or lost and the school cannot take responsibility
  • No large belts, handbags, or pouches
  • The PA High school bag must be brought in 
  • No make up as this is inappropriate
  • No expensive branded clothing as it may get damaged and cause an upset for the students and family 

PE: Any students with PE on this day MUST have PE kit with them so they can access the curriculum  

This will be the first non-unform event in the academic year and we hope to see all our students in school, participating in school routines and additional provisions we implement. Thank you in advance for your support and co-operation in making this day a great experience for all.  


Mr M. Farooq  
Trust Pastoral lead  
Prince Albert High School   

Contact Us

Prince Albert High School
115 Holford Drive
Perry Barr
B42 2TU

By Phone: 0121 817 8952



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